Having data does not necessarily translate into value. The real value comes from transforming individual data points into insights through context and connections
There are a multitude of feed additives in the market for use in ruminant rations, but with the unique challenges faced by individual farms, a standard line product may not always be the best fit
Does anyone else have random things happen to your cows? Instead of the typical pneumonia, twisted stomach, or lameness, you have cows that just pop up with random illnesses or put themselves in places...
Guys, it’s October. Which basically means it’s Christmas, right? Do you know one of my favorite things about Christmas? I mean besides family being together, Christmas cookies, the music, and...
Several years ago, Tony Louters was on a hunt. The Merced, California, dairyman wanted more information on his milking cows in order to improve reproductive protocols and, more importantly, health. The...
It was a lucky day for Millcreek Lottery Ladyluck as she was selected as Senior Champion and then Grand Champion of the International Milking Shorthorn Show on Thursday for Taylor Graves of Danville, Ky
When the yodeling, alphorn music, and bell ringing of the Brown Swiss parade of champions died down on Wednesday afternoon, Iroquois Acres Jong Cali was selected as Grand Champion
Judge Mike Duckett of Rudolph, Wis., alongside his associate Kevin McGriskin, of Ontario, Canada, awarded the pair of Aged Cows with top honors in the International Jersey Show
Each dairy judging team likely has its own routines, rituals, or good luck charms they bring with them on their trip to Wisconsin to judge on the colored shavings
You can expect more consistency from cow to cow with any automation product. But successful implementation is not possible without thoughtful planning, preparation and follow-up
How does the saying go? Something like, “The worst sentence in the English language is ‘That’s the way we’ve always done it’”? Man, if that doesn’t sound like...